OMC 2017

Great success for Sesino at OMC 2017

OMC 2017 Offshore Mediterranean Conference & Exhibition, with its 30,000 square meters of exhibition has obtained a record number of appearances this year, 12% more than in 2015, with more of 22,000 visitors. The technical level of exhibitors turned out to be very high, confirming the OMC as the main showcase oil and gas in the Mediterranean basin.
This year OMC hosted 688 companies from 33 countries and welcomed more than 18,900 visitors from 69 nations.
Among the exhibitors this year there was also Constant Sesino S.p.A., which increased the already high level of the international fair with its solutions and the best products to the whole finishing industry.
The three days of Ravenna stood out especially for the high quality of the panel, with the discussion between ministers and energy industry CEO to design strategies to be applied for guide the transition to a sustainable energy mix.

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